Brodsworth Frostbite 2018

All off-road with fabulous views. Book early as limited parking.

Ride Date:

7 Jan

This ride has been completed

  • Brodsworth Community Woodland, Long Lands Lane, Woodlands, Doncaster DN5 7XB
  • Peak & Forest
  • 5, 10, or 15 mile Pleasure ride. Lead Rein
Heather Alexander (1), Nina Barker (1), Louise Barton (1), Helen Boston (1), Karen Carruthers (1), Angela Gealy (1), Julie Griffiths (1), Jill Hancock (1), Amanda Harrison (1), Marie Hayward (1), Rachel Hirst (1), Terry Hobin (1), Emily Howe (1), Liz Howsley (1), Patricia Jacks (1), Judy Knight (1), Amanda Morriss (1), Jane Moxon (1), Aline Peat (1), Anita Quigley (1), Heather Scholefield (1), Elaine Williams (1), Megan Williams (1)

RIDE DATESunday 7th January 2018


VENUE:  Brodsworth Community Woodland, Long Lands Lane, Woodlands, Doncaster DN5 7XB

LAST DATE FOR EARLY BOOKING DISCOUNT: Monday 1st January 2018 NB No credits or refunds will be given after this date

ENTRY FEES: Pleasure Ride – Sport Endurance member £18, non-member £23
                       ***£3 discount only if book on-line by published  date***

                         Junior Rider £8 (12 and under as at 31.12.18)

START TIMES: Riders can start any time between 10am and 12 noon (All riders back by 3pm please)

CLASS/DISTANCE: Pleasure ride only (PR)  - 5, 10 and 15 miles. Ride is in 5 mile loops

                             Lead Rein (LR)


ENTRIES: No postal entries. Please book on line. For web help please phone 01283 810011. Entries on the day may be available if ride not full (CASH only £20 member, £25 non-member, £10 Junior) - please contact the ride organiser

VENUE TYPE: Hard standing

FACILITIES: Garden Centre café and toilets close by. No water on site.

RIDE DETAILS: Surfaced tracks on undulating landscaped Community Forest. Some hills can be challenging but the view from the top is awesome!!  A really fun ride.