For full details see our video in our Video Library
You can only book for yourself under your account, as all bookings must be made in the name of the rider. The system will not allow you to make more than one booking per rider per event.
Each person needs to be registered with a separate email address and then bookings made under their own name. It can be any email address and payment can be made by any card (put details in at Sagepay stage), but it must be the riders name, date of birth and postal address for insurance and other purposes.
If the rider is already registered, you will need to login as them to book for them or else they will need to book for themselves.
Once logged in, to book the ride click on 'more details' and then choose an entry type and class from the two drop downs. Members with registered horses can then select their horse, but otherwise just press the book button and the entry will be added to your basket. You then checkout in the normal way selecting 'Sagepay' which is our secure card payment processing facility. Make sure that you follow through to the end and it will return you to our website with a 'thank you for your order' message.
You can double check you are booked on the ride as your name will be shown in the 'who has booked on this event' on the ride details page - this list is in alphabetical order of surname.