Help to Log In

If you try to register and find your email address has already been used, please don't register again using a different address. This means you already have an account with us and your previous details can be recovered.

If you have forgotten your password, simply use the 'forgotten password' facility and enter your email address. A link will then be will be emailed to the email address we have on file for you. You can then use this link to choose another password. Please don't click on 'forgotten password' more than once as each one will overwrite the previous one and make the email link invalid.

Please login with your email address and your new password (Not your Username). (NB if you are using a smartphone, then at present you may need to use your username which is displayed when you choose a new password)

If you don't receive the email with your new password link then check your spam folder. Otherwise it may be that your email address is mis-spelt or the address we have for you is not your current email address.

Some tips for logging on are below:

  • Make sure you aren't already logged in - go to the ride listing for the ride and see if there is a login banner across the page, or if you can see the book button which means you are already logged in.
  • Make sure you are logging in with your email address and not your username - email address is safer. (unless using a smartphone)
  • Make sure you have re-set your password from the latest email. When you use forgotten password a second time, the first gets overwritten
  • If that is all good then it's usually because your browser is remembering the failed attempt. Close everything down and start up again before logging on.

